Delinquent Commercial Debt

Businesses Selling to Other Businesses, Delinquent Receivables, Court-Awarded Judgments

Why is Delinquent Debt so Marketable?

Because the status of the debtor changes; there are strict procedures at collection agencies; and there is a HUGE 300-500% profit potential!

Why do Companies Well their Delinquent Debt?

Several very good reasons…

How do you Pre-Qualify a Portfolio?

Easy. First target ORIGINATORS and verify their ownership of the portfolio. Then check the statute of limitations geographically.

How do Consultants get paid?

Consultants get paid a percentage of the amount paid for the portfolio.

Privacy Policy & Security

Apply online for a free no obligation quote: Response in 24 to 48 hours in most cases. Our funding sources will be happy to answer all your questions at that time!

We are proud members of the cash flow/growing wealth industry.

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We at GlobalQuick CAPITAL believe in giving back to help in this world! A portion of the profits from our earnings will be given to: Heart Research, Arthritis Research, Endangered Animal Species, and Rain Forest Preservation.